Hannover Messe 2013

Lead theme for HANNOVER MESSE 2013
The upcoming HANNOVER MESSE 2013 will be staged under the banner of "Integrated Industry." The lead theme signals the fair's key focus on the growing integration of all areas of industry. "Machines, industrial equipment, work pieces and system components will soon be capable of exchanging data in real-time. This will significantly boost efficiency, safety and resource sustainability in production and logistics," said Dr. Jochen Köckler, a member of the Deutsche Messe Board of Management. "The experts have dubbed this technological development the fourth industrial revolution, coming, as it does, after the steam engine, mass production and automation."
"Integrated Industry" not only could be defined in terms of technical and electronic integration, but also in terms of the challenge faced by all areas of industry as they seek to cooperate across corporate and sector boundaries. Integration would shorten communication channels and make collaboration more efficient.
Statistics of the Hannover Messe exhibition of the 2012th year:
Hannover Messe brought together 4 872 participants from 69 countries on the area of 330 800 sq.m. More than 4 000 new types of production that is a record today. Nearly a half of exhibitors - foreigners. The Hanover fair was visited by over 183 110 visitors.
The goal of rapidly integrating all systems necessitates a fundamental restructuring of production processes. In the future, intelligent materials will tell machines how they want to be processed and formed. Parts and assemblies will have autonomous digital product memories that will facilitate continuous documentation throughout their entire lifecycles. Components will initiate their own maintenance and repair requests. And intelligent components in complex equipment will independently report faults to monitoring systems, thereby instantly triggering the remedial measures necessary to prevent further damage and initiate repair work.
All themes and areas of HANNOVER MESSE 2013 will be underpinned by the HANNOVER MESSE 2013 lead theme of "Integrated Industry."
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